Holistic Centre
Blandford Forum, Dorset
Mind, Body, Spirit
Finola 07780952395
A warm welcome from Finola and The Cedar Tree, a hidden gem in the heart of Blandford Forum, a beautiful Georgian riverside market town.
Step into The Cedar Tree and begin a journey that will bring you home to yourself. This space is a safe haven where you can leave all demands, cares and worries at the door.
All of those beautiful pieces that make up you, that have fragmented from so much giving, will begin to come together again to make you whole.
The Cedar Tree
The Cedar Tree began, as all trees do from a seed, a belief that our body, mind and spirit has an amazing potential for self-healing and growth which needs to be nurtured and taken care of.
Our vision at The Cedar Tree is to provide a calm and peaceful space for you to arrive at yourself. Somewhere to tune in, re-balance and heal.
Our aim is to create a place for relaxation, healing, growth and development, allowing you to leave feeling connected, empowered, balanced and nourished.
Our wish is to give you the opportunity to tap into and explore your own potential, to harness your own creativity and have fun.
The Cedar Tree would like to see movement through yoga, spontaneous dance, therapies, creative writing and poetry becoming a thread that weaves through your every day, enhancing your life.
We hope you visit and experience the, love, light and laughter that is The Cedar Tree.
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